
Join us at AmericanHort Cultivate'24!

Mark your calendars for July 13-16, 2024 and get ready to join the Central Life Sciences team at the highly anticipated AmericanHort Cultivate'24 event in Columbus, Ohio. As a must-attend event for professionals in the field, Cultivate offers an exciting platform for networking and discovering the latest trends. Make sure to visit booth 3541, where the Central Life Sciences team is eager to share effective solutions for greenhouse and nursery insects.

Insects can pose a significant threat to the profitability of your business. Central Life Sciences specializes in providing solutions to combat a wide variety of threatening insects. Ask our team about ways to implement a successful Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program and what products can be rotated to work in tandem to deliver more flexibility and greater control to your IPM program. We’ll also talk with you about our latest innovation for mites and other labeled insect control in ClearLeaf™ Insecticide/Miticide.

Hear from Rodney Morrow, Regional Sales Manager – Specialty Products Division at Central Life Sciences, on Monday, July 15th at the Cultivate Live Stage from 2:15-2:45 pm to learn more about a NEW synergized approach at taking control of mites and other insects. Learn about a first in class innovation for greenhouse and nursery growers to use to fight mites, insects and resistance all in a single application with minimal phytotoxicity concerns. Additionally, you can gain insights about the synergistic benefits of combining a dual active Miticide with a broad-spectrum insecticide while including a PBO Enzyme Blocker or Synergist.

Cultivate offers countless opportunities for you to expand your business and network and stay ahead of the latest industry trends. Learn more about what to expect at Cultivate!